SeraphinaRose's Journal


Honor: 43    [ Give / Take ]


3 entries this month

Dracula: Volume Two, Chapter Three

20:00 Sep 17 2019
Times Read: 433


Vanessa tucked into peanut butter on wholemeal toast, pondering if she should be slight bit smug, given she'd bought the organic, no sugar, no salt, just sustainable palm oil and peanuts kind.

She'd gotten back home just after eleven. It was seven in the morning now, sun beginning to rise. She didn't have to be at work until ten, so, she sat on sofa, TV remote in hand, flicking through inane programmes, repeats, more channels than she could watch in several lifetimes, let alone one...


Picking up phone, curiosity twitched its feelers.

Should she text Vlad? Twelve hours after meeting him? Would that look needy? She wasn't sure if he were the type who appreciated simple, 'hello's,' preferring deep, significant prose.

Would mere 'good-morning,' come off as spouting hot air?

Only one way to know.

If he didn't reply, she wouldn't be offended. Vlad had a life, things to do, places to see.


'Good morning. Apologies for this being ridiculously early. Early shift, seven weddings this week, alone, all wanting absurdly huge, 'flashy,' 'look at how much money we have,' cakes. All hands on deck. I hope this finds you well. I left late, you later, so, please do not think I believe you are awake, ignoring this, or that I expect reply. I don't. I wish you Happy Holidays (didn't want to assume you celebrate anything.) If I woke you, I apologise (again.)'

She really hoped she hadn't woken Vlad.

She also wondered if, like her, he became tad crabby, when woken suddenly.

That silly thought stayed with her, as she readied herself for work...


The man himself lounged, languidly on his bed, daylight revealing weakness in him. Sunlight pulled at delicate nerves, fraying, causing headaches, had he not kept curtains drawn. He'd thrown sheets off, some point in the night, constricted, stark reminder of how he lay, dying, tortured, ropes digging into wounds, oozing blood, flowing freely, lash marks rubbed raw via hemp, Radu, brother, scorned sapphire iris fire, ire in full fury as he gazed at younger brother on cell floor.


Radu seethed, spouting that he should be ruler, Count, he eldest sibling, his behaviour was that of royalty, it was what men of court did.

They took lovers, sought company of sex workers, despite having wife, promising himself to her.

Their Father, Vlad II bellowed at eldest son, ashamed, disgusted at his conduct.

He ordered his son to leave, not his beloved country, but past the Carpathian mountain range, taking weeks by carriage to reach furthermost village, until leader decided what to do with him.

Vlad was allowed to stay, watching Father wilt, perish, soon after, grief stark contradiction to rage, though they felt similar, caused same reaction.


Radu, upon hearing this, raced back to the castle, striking down brother's wife, two of his sons, servant girl, fleeing with baby boy (his middle child) in her arms, Vlad witnessing everything. Younger was weakened, strained, nerves ripping, tearing, knowing pulling at knots would merely tighten, Vlad tried to move towards his crest chest, armour and sword necessary to cease this nightmare.

It must have been hallucination, folly, ever-increasing growls, booms echoing through corridors making, forcing man to question deduction, mind falling apart...


"Good day, Vanessa. Mornings find me at my worst. Nothing you have said, or done frets. Memories do, splitting headache, fracturing thoughts. I shan't be bane, plague on your day, time."

Vanessa, sat on train half frowned, her stop coming up. She pocketed her phone, lest she drop it, losing it in ensuing chaos of many people, trying to exit one door, when there were six to choose from...


'Had too much to drink, huh? Panadol, that stuff should be listed next to 'sliced bread,' in terms of 'greatest inventions.' Don't lie down, no matter how tempting it is.'

Vanessa was teasing, putting 'winky face' deemed childish, in this regard...

'That is okay, I understand. If you have time to yourself, I advise self-care. Running at a hundred miles an hour can and will burn us out. I wouldn't want to impose, you can do as you wish. You already know that. If you celebrate Christmas, or another holiday, I wish you a time where your mind allows you comfort, if not solace, perhaps happiness. If you don't, I hope its a peaceful period.'


"Bavaria. I shall be in Germany for the festivities. I have had, quite some time to learn how to imbibe alcohol, and know enough to limit evacuating contents of my stomach."

Vomiting blood was not only vile, but, quite, sticky. Whatever it hit, it would stain.

'That would be 'uncouth' level of inebriated. I jest. Single thing I smelt on you was not vice, but cologne I believe I have smelt before, cannot recall its name.'

Heading into work, Vanessa sent Vlad the last message of the day.

The final message for a while, actually. She wasn't aware how much she would miss wise-cracking with this 'mysterious' man...


'At work. All the best, Vlad.'

'Acqua Di Parma. And, Vanessa? Conviviality may vary in countries, but it holds thing in common. Warmth. Keep that in your heart. Don't let it grow frigid, like mine. Quaerite me sicut luminaria tua. Et ipse liberavit me...'



Vanessa exclaimed, aloud, interest, eagerness wanting fingers to type, copy, translate that, hoping, secretly wishing it was something cordial.

She knew some words.

Luminaria, light.

Liberavit, liberate.

Liberating light?



No...David Bowie on a cracker, Ness...

Customers looked her over, irritated, wanting to get in and out of the shop as quickly as humanly possible, time of year decidedly dreadful for overcrowding...



20:33 Sep 17 2019


08:03 Sep 21 2019

this is pretty good


Dracula: Volume Two, Chapter Two

09:14 Sep 13 2019
Times Read: 452


Two months later

Vlad saw her, less than hundred yards away, youth radiating from cheap low light stall lamp above her. She held wooden elf in hand, eyes sweeping over it, as if it were piece of gold. Seemingly riveted by various Christmas Market trinkets (man knew different) she placed it in her basket, paying vendor, using silly quips, making him smile, and vendor laugh.

Usually, Vlad would have turned, hidden smile behind black curtain of hair turning to smirk over shoulder. He found most women were simple creatures. Praise them, they gave you their most intimate details, and got on their back, if he made the effort. Men were supposed to be base, purely driven by the brains under their clothes.

Vlad found women far more sexual, seeking pleasure, they tended to be subtler with their intentions, that single difference.

Beauty was, indeed a virtue, but brains, mind of her own, wicked tongue, dark sense of humour, able to rival his deviancy, sensual desires in her eyes?

This woman held more than intrigue, eyes, purest blue pearls sharp, mahogany tresses slipping down her back like waterfall, errant waves falling over woollen scarf.


He had seen many women, over the centuries the image of his late wife.

None were her, they wouldn't ever come anywhere near Justina's level of grace, wit, elegant yet decisive ways, mind razor keen, able to keep him, the strategist, master of warfare, alchemist, warrior on his toes.

Whilst he schemed during the day, maps so large, they encompassed entire tables, Justina schemed at night, Vlad's form, his mind her map.

None had managed to tame the Dragon, after her, they dared, dare not try. They ran before they got burned, sheer inferno terrifying, heat immense.

Why the man effortlessly approached this woman was unknown to Vlad, until a little while later.

Her gaze knocked him for six, would have thrown him off-kilter, had he lacked fluidity, svelte musculature to distinct advantage...


Vanessa picked up cup of warming mulled wine. Though not her favourite Winter beverage, its hit of heat, kick of spice and festive cheer were lovely, heat cascading down throat, chest, fingers, insides toasty.

"Would you like some?"

Woman glanced at man wryly, grabbing second cup.

"Don't worry, washed my hands. If I get antsy when I have contact with other people, I ought to keep my hygiene up to par. Beyond it, really..."

"No, thank you," Vlad declined, "I don't drink wine."

She snorted reply.

"Neither do I."

"Why do it, then?"

"Social construct?" Vanessa laughed. "Fuck. No. I do because its Christmas, I'm alone and, to be honest, my nips may just fall off, its THAT cold."

Vlad's eyes honed in on her when she swore, woman praying he did not come out with archaic 'women aren't supposed to paint the air blue, they should float about and only speak when spoken to' shit...


"Cupcake? Break the icing?"

Vlad shook his head, Vanessa on back burner. She, audaciously faced him, iced chocolate, vanilla sponge treat in hand. Looking him up and down, she, evidently, approved of the view.

"No, you don't look like you eat things like this. In fact, you are rather slim. My arse is wider than your entire frame. Oh no!"

Feigning upset, irises hazed, decadent sweet in hand, Vanessa swirled icing and ate, sugar rush delightful.

"These occasions are rare, for me, ones I am able to attend freely, not for work. I travel frequently, the holidays celebrated in different, vibrant ways, traditions and the like. I appreciate what differentiates cultures. Here, people wish for snow to fall, resenting when it does, for it causes chaos."

Vanessa snorted, picking up accent in man, not unpleasant. She wouldn't make guess, merely keep him talking, hope her inane attempt at 'conversation' proved acceptable, conducive for actual, meaningful conversation.


"You are right. Pardon," she held up unoccupied hand, "I forget my manners. Vanessa."

Vlad shook it, challenging her, silently.

'Hold my attention, with something other than hoisting breasts and pouting. I tire of those. Bore me and I will leave. Simple.'


"Not a name you hear regularly. I will refrain from usual pleasantries, given I have only just made your acquaintance. I tend to avoid events like this. Christmas markets are charming, though they attract crowds, which, in turn bring out the 'pushers,' people who I, am seemingly invisible too. I can't stand impatience. I get it. Life is hectic, busy, we all have our struggles, time constraints. That doesn't give someone right to be a bastard, bulldoze their way around. Call me pedantic, cynical, but I'd rather be alone than forced into cramped situations, nose in someone else's armpit..."

"Romanian, and manners died horrific, slow death decades ago, my dear."

"Its Vanessa." She corrected, unspoken issue for challenge accepted. "What would you like to know, seeing as I am, clearly 'fascinating?'"

He shook her hand firmly, tad too much, woman's pupils widened, in slight alarm.

"Dominant. Bold," she smirked, questioning why, milliseconds later, "considering we've just met."

"I was taught frankness is best policy. I won't claim to be kind, I take issue with false pleasantries."

"Do you think me false?"

"You show your face, use of language colourful, let others view personality. I respect those who go against the grain. Tell me of your story."

Vanessa refilled her cup, inhaling wafting nutmeg, contended hum leaving mouth...


"I work in confectionery, baking cakes for events, sweet tooth applicable. Whitening toothpaste and mouthwash hides multitude of sins...You mentioned travel? Sounds wonderful. Do you do that for work?"

Vlad nodded.

"Payed to visit stunning cities, vast countries, eat delicious food, delightful, I assume..."

"Assume? Speak directly, freely."

Vanessa tilted head curiously, eyes open, questions brightening blue.

"Why do I feel that, if I were to speak freely, as you request, you'd dislike me? I can tell you wished to pull me up on my use, butchering of the English language. You didn't because you respect me."

Statement weighty, again, man agreed, corner of mouth quirking upwards, moustache twitching.

"As I stated earlier. I cannot promise kindness, make such affiance, though I can respect, loyalty."



Glancing around, cake forgotten, vivid orbs saw same but hazy shade looking at her. The rest of the world did not factor in.

Not the dancers, in the tightest leotards she had seen, sinew, nipples, bulges and mounds clear view.

Nor the moon, full, cloud quartz, clarity gorgeous, occasionally blotted with ink spots, paper splashed.

She hadn't had the (pleasure?) of being gazed upon prior.

Not as something to play with, dangle from strings, screw until wires snapped, then dropped to the ground, left in a heap.

Vlad actually seemed interested in her, as a person.

Not holes, nothing external.

Merely, her mind, its machinations.


"I value loyalty, it is important. However, I have been told that before, and it turned out to be a lie. Whilst I, certainly would not presume you a liar, I am sceptical, for reasons, personal to myself."

"A man betrayed you, took your trust, burying it deep, beneath layers of deception. He matters little, your outlook is clear, it shines through. The past is just that."

"And I thought myself elusive..."

Stuffing hand in her purse (the other shoving remaining cake in her mouth,) Vanessa grabbed pen, jotting down her number on pastel green notelet.

She kept it in the bag, wondering what the in actual, ever, living Hell was she doing. Had increasing waves of sugar rush drowned rationale? High calorie content swept logic aside?

Woman poured over 'facts,' what she'd gleaned...


Vlad screamed 'arrogant,' hollered it from the rooftops, boot prints in snow purposeful, gait staunch, back ramrod straight.

He was sure of himself, sure of surrounds, looked to have vast amounts of knowledge.

Something untamed lay in demeanour, carefully honed, shown only in cracks of whitened knuckles, minuscule movements of head, like owl, wondering, inquiring.

He wouldn't be deemed 'classically attractive,' by today's standards, but today's standards were utterly ridiculous, heights unreachable, pointless.

No. His looks were aristocratic. Slim frame, wiry musculature, svelte strength, though the way he held himself spoke of readiness, calm, level-headed.

Aquiline nose, acute angled cheekbones, jaw you could slice fingertip open whilst musing, mood quizzical.

Almost eagle like, vicious in certain light, eyes burning Aquamarine, branding, searing its way into woman's mind.

And, damned if Vanessa wasn't intrigued...


As surreptitiously as possible (sneakiness far from her forte,) Vanessa stuck the note on the elf, putting it beside Vlad.

Turning, she tried meeting his eyes, damning her cheeks flaring pink. Hoping low light masked that, she nodded, walking around him, exquisite aftershave filling nostrils as she went on her way...


'Don't you know it is recommended not to give your number out to strangers?'

Vanessa pulled phone from pocket, snorting.

"Are we strangers? Surely not. We exchanged names, and numbers, given you chose to look at the note and keep it, long enough to 'text' me."

'You left, conversation wide open. I saw none beside you, walking with you. Again, you chance walking home, alone.'

Vlad's reply confused, for a time, her heart increasing beats per minute.

"And you chose to continue it. Sorry. I'm...out of practise, speaking to people, in general. I work behind the scenes, answering the phone occasionally, but that's it. Should I be concerned? I can handle myself. Are you concerned for my safety?"

Vlad, entering lobby of his hotel, for the duration of his stay frowned, attracting receptionist's gaze.

'Not for yours, per say. For women, in general. I, wouldn't dare question strength of character, or physicality. However, there are those, out there that mean harm, they care little for opportunity, taking any and all. I merely request you take care.'

"Thank you," Vanessa smiled, "I will. Do not fear. I won't accuse you of 'mansplaining,' 'sexism,' god, I hate those words. Highly overused. You speak truth, and speak it quite wonderfully, might I add? Ballsy, I know..."

Before he could reply, woman quickly typed, testing spelling and punctuation to their, her limits...

"Take care, also. A gust of wind could blow you asunder."

Vlad allowed himself small laugh, sound low register. Anyone nearby would have to crane neck to hear it.

'Are you implying I am frail? Vanessa, draga mea, ma amuzi.'

Vanessa arrived home, wanting to look up whatever it was Vlad had just said. Her phone's battery said otherwise however, she just about plugged in its charger before it died on her...


Kicking off her boots, gloves, scarf and coat draped over couch, Vanessa sprawled on bed, feet up behind her.

"I don't have a clue what you said. Educated guess? Something 'me,' and 'amuse?' You're laughing at me right now, aren't you?"

'I am. I shall leave you with that. Sleep well, and see to it I do not make an appearance in nightmares.'

He couldn't resist that, needing some sort of merriment, passing time, whilst blood bag heated in microwave. He starved, the entire time he and Vanessa spoke. How she'd hadn't heard stomach voice its anger, seen him wobble slightly, sight blurry.

He would have looked tipsy, had he not left, soon after her.


"With that face? Chiselled by Gods, I tell you, carved by deities! Hah! I must be delirious. Since I can count, on one hand the amount of drinks I have in a year, I put it down to, simply being tired. Shouldn't it be dreams? I would reply in Romanian, but fear I'd do it injustice, as translation apps reputations isn't great. Night, Vlad."


Getting ready for bed, Vanessa found Winter's chill didn't so much bother now, company cheering, banishing chilly gloom...



20:04 Sep 14 2019

told you, i like your style.
and i'm delighted to see you writing again.


Dracula: Volume Two

09:09 Sep 13 2019
Times Read: 454

*Adult themes, NSFW*

Chapter One


"Really? For fuck's sake..."

Vanessa smacked her forehead, boyfriend staring back blankly, smell of stagnant water hanging in the air.

"I asked if you wanted me to wash the dishes, before I left for work. You said no, that you would. You didn't, they are in dirty, smelly water, have been for two, damn weeks, and you complain because I 'didn't wash them?' How in the actual fuck does that make ANY sense? What am I doing?"

Pacing, combing through silky, umber locks, kept tightly bound for too long by elastic, (work rules) Vanessa pulled out the stubborn article, flinging it across the room.

"Still should'a done it. I don't do housework. You knew that when we got together."

"Then why was your apartment clean? BEFORE we got together. Don't try and wriggle your way out of this."

Pastel blues closed, sting came, brought forth from months of speculation bearing fruit...


Grahame smirking riled her, he fucking knew it would.

"Why do you think? Aren't you supposed to be the smart one?"

"Tried not to think the worst. You knew that. I thought I knew you." Biting back tears, Vanessa bit cheek, tasting blood, pain barely acknowledged. "Okay. I'm going to pack my things, leave, and you can get back to whoever it is you are messaging and Cheshire grinning."

Snarling, heading to their...(no, his) bedroom, woman began packing her things, phone, charger, change of clothes, toothbrush, shower gel, couple of pairs of knickers, socks, intending to stay the weekend.

That 'weekend' rapidly morphed into fifteen minutes, as she left. No words, unwilling to spare glance at her ex, Vanessa ran, cowardly sprinting down stairs, speed beyond what she thought she could muster, especially given her current state.

Athletes would be jealous...


Leaving the building, Vanessa's finger hovered above the local taxi firm's number. She turned as she hit call, seeing Grahame's bedroom light turning off.

A woman, scurrying past wouldn't have raised anything, were it not for the fact that his light went back on, he opened the window, waved her up, and left, presumably to press the button to let her into his flat.

Speeding through where she was, woman tried to refrain from crying a second time, sick of it already. Bothering to shed anything over that love rat was pointless. He'd (seemingly) replaced her in ten minutes flat...

Waiting for her taxi felt like hours, seconds pricking needles deep under her skin...


'We should have remained friends. Christ on a bike...'

Vanessa sighed, everything in her power utilised to keep from bursting out into fit of hysterics, hysteria wishing to bloom fully, wholly. The taxi driver tilted his head, woman caught unawares. They were outside her house, and she hadn't even noticed...


"Sorry. Bad night. Here."

She handed him a tenner, telling him to keep the change. He nodded his thanks, and she exited the car, hauling bag, unceremoniously over her shoulder as she went.


Something, somewhere had gone drastically wrong, Vanessa knowing, understanding what, though reticent to admit it.

She and Grahame had been friends since college. Banter and the odd flirty note began wondrous melody, their beings melding like clay, sex fantastic, for both, neither going without.

There was the issue. Woman began wanting to make love, whole self feeling, moving, the world drowned out, heartbeats thudding together.

Grahame, evidently, did not want their connection to be above the waist. Why he agreed to be her boyfriend baffled her, considering all signs pointed to infidelity, on his part.

This killed her, insides freezing, incapacitating organs, one by precious one, falling victim to frigidity, becoming brittle, blood in her veins ice.

Open relationships were perfectly fine to Vanessa. All she cared about was that honesty was present, trust, that those involved were consenting, responsible adults.

When trust was missing, honesty distinctly missing, and responsibility lacking, problems arose.


If Grahame wanted more than just her company, Vanessa would not have stayed with him. She was monogamous.

He could have said something.

He chose to remain quiet.

That hurt, icicles melting, everything liquefying, pouring from eyes, pillow thoroughly soaked...



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